The Lt. Governor presents Valor Award at 200 Club of Mercer County Luncheon

The 200 Club of Mercer County thanks the community for their support of its Annual Luncheon fundraiser on June 9.  The 200 Club of Mercer County is dedicated to providing financial assistance to the families of our public safety and rescue personnel who are killed in the line of duty. The 200 Club honored State Trooper Steven Foster with the Valor Award for his heroism in saving a man’s life from a burning car.  The Valor Award is the highest award bestowed by a 200 Club.  Along with commending Trooper Foster, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno also praised the outstanding work 200 Clubs perform around the country to quietly provide support to the families of those who have given their lives in the line of duty. 

Pictured from left to right:  Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno, Trooper Steven Foster and Cathy Frank-White, President of the 200 Club of Mercer County.