The Advantages of having ABS manage your organization

  • Overhead costs (headquarter office, personnel, current technologies and equipment) are shared with other clients.
  • Association leadership can focus on organization’s mission and goals (rather than administrative tasks) and place greater emphasis on issues related to achieving these goals.
  • Increase enthusiasm and involvement by volunteers. With ABS managing your programs, volunteers can focus on assigned tasks they enjoy and at which they excel.
  • Enhance the prestige and value of your Association by reliably delivering benefits and being regarded as the lead representative of your industry.
  • Gain the flexibility to increase staff during high activity periods.
  • Maintain daily operations during leadership and staff changes.
  • Share the cost of professional talent with other ABS clients; specialists are assigned on an as-needed basis to meet project goals.
  • Develop and implement new programs or improve existing benefit portfolio.
  • All ABS staff members adhere to high ethical standards and accountability.

Clients who have experienced the ABS Advantage:

“The ABS team is dedicated, responsive and engaged in virtually all aspects of our general operations and infrastructure, and working with them has been one of the most critical elements of our Institute’s success.”
David Knowlton, President & CEO
New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute

“I have found ABS to be highly knowledgeable, efficient and creative working with our professional society. I would not hesitate to recommend them to other volunteer Boards.”
Andrew Topinka
Past Chair, USGBC-NJ