Urge Your Legislators to Pass the Property Tax Reform Tool Kit

As NJ business owners and residents, Paula & I strongly support Governor Chris Christie’s property tax reform measures. We believe our legislators should put partisan politics in order to pass the property tax reform tool kit before time runs out. This will help spur economic development and private sector job growth in New Jersey. We hope you consider joining us in contacting your legislators this week!    Karla Pollack

The state has enacted a 2% cap, effective January 1, 2011, on the amount a school board or municipality can raise property taxes each year, but if the Legislature does not give local governments the tools they need to cut spending and control costs, the property tax cap may not work.

Governor Chris Christie has proposed 33 specific property tax reforms that will help local governments control spending, but the Legislature has not acted on most of them.  Christie calls it his “tool kit” for reforming property taxes.

Please contact your legislators and urge them to support Governor Chris Christie’s property tax reform tool kit before the end of the year.

Letter from Governor Christie

Contact your Legislators through NJBIA’s Grassroots Action Center