ABS at Eastern Armored Services

Libby Vinson, Paula Harrington and Karla Pollack from ABS met at the Eastern Armored Services office, dressed in style.  They reviewed the recent school security report from the NJ School Boards Association and the following story from NJ.com: Should school security guards carry guns? Question arises at public forum on safety https://www.nj.com/education/2015/01/school_security_task_force.html Eastern Armored’s highly-trained, … Continued

ABS at the 2014 League of Municipalities

ABS attended the 99th Annual League of Municipalities Convention in Atlantic City. At the EXPO, ABS, J. Richard Norton, President & CEO of Eastern Armored Services and 1st Lt. Mike Relak, Operations Manager, promoted their armed and unarmed school security guard and cash-in-transit services.        

Eastern Armored Showcases School Security Services at NJSBA Conference

Libby Vinson from ABS and 1st Lt. Mike Relak, Operations Manager at Eastern Armored at the Eastern Armored Services exhibit during the NJ School Boards Association Conference. This 3-day conference (October 28-30) provides the opportunity for attendees to learn about the best available products and services for their school districts.  Eastern featured their armed and unarmed school security … Continued

NJ School Violence Awareness Week (October 20-24, 2014) is the Perfect Time to Ask, “Is Your District Doing Enough to Prevent School Violence?”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 18, 2014 News release (pdf) Contacts: J. Richard Norton, President & CEO, EAS richnorton@easternarmored.com or (609) 209-4094 Libby Vinson, ABS libby@absnj.com or (609) 577-1993 Quality Education Starts with Safe Schools, Eastern Armored Encourages School Districts to Evaluate School Safety Protocols Hamilton Twp. (Mercer) – NJ—The week of October 20-24, 2014 is ‘School Violence … Continued

Eastern Armored Services, Inc. Applies Security Expertise to Protect Area Schools

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2014 News release (pdf) Contacts: J. Richard Norton, President & CEO, EAS richnorton@easternarmored.com or mobile (609) 209-4094 Libby Vinson, ABS libby@absnj.com or mobile (609) 577-1993 Eastern Armored Services, Inc. Applies Security Expertise to Protect Area Schools Hamilton, NJ Based Company is now offering premier security officer services to educational institutions Hamilton Twp. (Mercer) … Continued