Presentations from “Starting a Company” E-Week Event

Starting a Company: From Idea to Reality
(A Global Entrepreneurship Week Event)
November 18, 2008
Location: Frist Campus Center, Princeton University
Admission and lunch sponsored by Integra LifeSciences
Press Release
Full Program

Available Presentations:

Writing A Business Plan…Are You Crazy? Why Would I Do That?
Click for Handout: businessplanpresentation
Dr. Ron Cook, Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies and Director, Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Rider University

This workshop will show why writing a business plan is a valuable tool in helping entrepreneurs make better startup decisions. It will provide an outline for a business plan and identify the questions that a business plan can help answer, and the ones that it can’t.

Funding the Future: Securing Early Stage Capital
Click for Handout: earlystagecapitalpresentation
Kathleen W. Coviello- New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Director of Technology & Life Sciences

An overview of different options to fund your early stage idea/company, with tips on the do’s and don’ts for securing early stage capital.

Not Getting The All the Referrals You Want? . . . Then It’s All Your Fault!
Click for Handout:  networking-checklist
Jeff Callahan, President and Founder, Sandler Training

Fast and Furious: Using Internet Marketing to Start Your Business 
(Click “Fast and Furious” above for copy of presentation)
Alex Cohen – Manager, Online Marketing, ClickEquations

Time and money. Chances are that if you’re an entrepreneur you don’t have enough of either. The solution? Online marketing. In this session, Alex Cohen will teach you the basics of internet marketing to launch your business and run your marketing efficiently.


Sponsored by: Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation, the National Association of Women Business Owners – Central Jersey (NAWBO), Association Business Solutions, Inc., Precision Office Assistants, A Virtual Office Company, the Uncommon Individual Foundation, and Princeton University’s Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education.

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