Pinning for a Cause – 5 Ways Nonprofits Can Better Utilize Pinterest

Brittany Hollman

  Brittany Hollman is a communications and PR professional working at Hackettstown Regional Medical Center. While studying at Champlain College in Vermont, she interned at ABS during two summer breaks, performing a variety of critical tasks including web content management,  blog article writing, event planning, and email crafting/distribution.

   She also volunteers at nonprofits important to her family, and has graciously offered to share some of the tips and tools she has come across.  We are delighted to welcome Brittany as an ABS guest blogger and hope you find some helpful takeaways for your organization!


When used correctly, Pinterest can be an awesome social media tool. The social media site has gained major popularity within the last few years and has been noted as the fastest growing sharing channel in 2013. Although many businesses are using it to promote their products and services, some nonprofits continue to struggle with employing it as a digital tool.  Here are five ways nonprofits can utilize Pintrest to their advantage and ultimately create more buzz about their cause. I have also included links to examples by some well-known nonprofits.

1.       Highlight Sponsors

Sponsors are so vital when you are a nonprofit organization. They are the people who will continually support you throughout all your efforts. If you are struggling to create boards on Pinterest, try highlighting your sponsors and giving them some Pinterest TLC. Plus, if people see pins of your sponsors coming from your page they are more likely to notice your organization too!

2.       Statistics

When working for a nonprofit, showing statistics around your cause is important. These numbers are what grabs people’s attention and may be what influences them to help. If you create a statistics board, start pinning different infographics or photos that have some sort of stat on them. People may be more willing to contribute if they come along one of these pins.

3.       Fundraising & Event Boards

Creating a board or two specifically for your fundraising efforts as well as specific events can draw people to your Pinterest. Pin pictures from each event you put on or highlight the people who are helping you fundraise; this way they will hopefully end up sharing the love on their own accounts.

4.       Promote Merchandise

Promote your own nonprofit merchandise through Pinterest. The platform has a nice feature that allows you show the price of the item, as well a way to link back to the original site so the viewer can buy it. People love to support a good cause, and if that means buying a cute t-shirt, they will.

5.       Re-pin and Support Other Nonprofits on Pinterest

As much as your organization needs support, so do other non-profits. If you make a point to follow other organizations and re-pin their pins this will create a mutually beneficial relationship. The more you interact within your community on social media, the faster the word will spread about YOUR cause!