Paula Hartman Appointed to the Workforce Investment Board

On June 3, Paula Hartman, Principal of Association Business Solutions, Ernest  Price, Director Communications & Public Affairs External Relations at Educational Testing Service, and Jeffrey Zeiger, General Manager of the Trenton Marriott, were sworn in as members of the Workforce Investment Board.  Ms. Hartman expressed “I am honored to serve on the WIB and look forward to helping to develop a strong, quality workforce in Mercer County.”


Left to right:  Ernest  Price, Paula Hartman, Mercer County Executive,  Brian Hughes


WIB Mission Statement

To develop, through public/private partnerships, a quality workforce, which successfully meets employers’ hiring needs and ensures the employment and advancement of jobseekers.

Mercer County’s Workforce Investment Board (WIB), formerly the Private Industry Council (PIC), is playing a major role in shaping tomorrow’s workforce. The MCWIB was the fourth to be certified in New Jersey. Through a dynamic public and private partnership, the WIB is helping to develop, maintain, and implement a quality workforce, which is consumer-based and labor-market driven.

Over fifty of the County’s most prominent leaders, including CEO’s, presidents, and directors, have been appointed by the County Executive to offer their professional insight and to assist in creating a strong workforce for Mercer County. 51% of the WIB members represent the private sector, while the remainder include labor, community organizations, educational institutions, engineering and law firms, hospitals and government agencies.

Mercer County’s WIB has numerous responsibilities – however, the most important is accessing the labor market and helping job seekers and employers meet their needs. To accomplish this, the WIB will provide coordination, guidance and oversight for all workforce readiness programs in Mercer County and efficiently make use of state and federal resources.