National Take Your Child to Work Day at ABS

Our Director of Accounting, Heidi Gelentser, brought her two delightful nieces to the office to “intern” for the day. Tiffany Gelentser, 13, and Danielle Groff, 12, were a joy to work with and a great help.


Danielle wrote the following about her day at ABS:


I really enjoyed interning at Association Business Solutions, Inc. I helped mail new business cards to Board Members. I also helped make labels. I enjoyed being able to sit at a desk and help my Aunt Heidi who works here. My cousin Tiffany and I helped my Aunt get coffee for everyone. I got the chance to use a copy machine. I also got the chance to work and help many people do their job. I am glad I spent my day at ABS. I am also glad that I got the chance to see what being a worker at ABS would be like. That is what I have to say about my day interning at Association Business Solutions, Inc.

ABS supports career exploration and mentoring for youth. Inspiring young minds to realize their futures are filled with endless opportunities.