National Eating Healthy Day BUZZ Event on October 19


The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association hosted an event in front of the State House on Monday, October 19 to promote National Eating Healthy Day, the NJ Healthy Corner Store Initiative and the importance of a healthy diet.  Attendees were invited to have a healthy snack, play interactive games, and register for a FREE toolkit to help plan National Eating Healthy Day events on November 4th.

The American Heart Association is committed to helping all Americans live longer and healthier! By joining our National Eating Healthy Day celebration, YOU can take a big step toward a healthier lifestyle by making small changes to incorporate healthier food choices.

By 2020, we want to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent. We can’t reach this aggressive goal alone. But together with partners like you, we can make a significant impact and reach more Americans with life-saving information.

Always the first Wednesday of November, National Eating Healthy Day raises awareness about the importance of healthy eating. It provides education, tools and resources to thousands of companies, schools and individuals, potentially reaching millions of Americans.