Global Entrepreneurship Week – Unleashing Ideas

Countries all around the world are joining together to carry the banner of Global Entrepreneurship Week, an initiative aimed at young people everywhere.

During the week of November 17 – 23, 2008, partner organizations will conduct a range of activities – from simple speeches to comprehensive competitions – designed to inspire, connect, inform, mentor and engage the next generation of entrepreneurs.

As part of Global EWeek, ABS is co-sponsoring an event on Tuesday, November 18 at Princeton University

The Week is a worldwide initiative that is linking all those willing to embrace it. Host organizations in each participating country are recruiting partners and coordinating related activities. The exact type of these activities, whether online or face-to-face, is limited only by the imaginations of the partners and the participants. And while a list of suggested activities such as invention competitions, entrepreneurship film festivals, networking events, school-based activities, and local entrepreneurship summits – will be available on the website, the actual activities conducted by partners will vary greatly. 

And while it may be global in scope, at its heart, the Week is a local initiative that reflects the customs and entrepreneurial culture of each community. After all, what works in Boise, Idaho might be quite different from what works in Bangalore, India. 

Global Entrepreneurship Week is a combination and expansion of two successful initiatives, the debut of EntrepreneurshipWeek USA in 2007 and the inspiration behind it, Enterprise Week in the UK which was kicked off in 2004 by now-Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

During the last year, these two efforts – led by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in the US and the Make Your Mark campaign in the UK – combined to engage 2,720 partner organizations planning 6,891 activities that directly involved 929,449 individuals. 

Thousands of pieces of media coverage amplified the message, reaching tens of millions.
View Last Year Entrepreneurship Week USA Video