Five Reasons Why You Should Tout Out your Life

Tout – The new video sharing social media site

By: Brittany Hollman
ABS Summer Intern 2011/2012 

Have you imagined a place where you could have your 15 seconds of fame?  Well now you can with Tout! Tout is the most recent social media tool where you can shoot 15 second videos of anything and everything and post them to the Tout site as well as syncing them with your other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Blogger, etc.  So whether you are passionate about the Olympics or your children, you have a place to share interactive snippets of these moments with everyone else in your circle of friends or even the world.

1. It allows people to walk in your shoes – at least for 15 seconds. With Tout’s easy-to-use video uploading application you can show people what new and exciting things are going on in your day-to-day life. It gives them a greater feel for what you are doing or going through.  Even though a text post is nice, Tout really lets you see the emotional side of things too. It’s almost as if you had a backstage pass to someone else’s life

2. Short and sweet messages are always the best.  That is why it is great that Tout limits you to 15 seconds per video segment. Which means you can upload as many as you want but you cannot go crazy with time.  Many more people may be willing to watch if they know it will not consume too much of their own time. It is like eating a good meal; all you need is a taste and then you are hooked.  In the end, it will hopefully leave viewers wanting to know more, which means they may be visiting your Tout page again very soon or even start following you.

3. Interactive – has never been so bold. Tout lets you record live video footage of anything you are saying or doing which is more interactive, then any social media site has ever been. One popular thing to do via Tout is to ask viewers questions or state your opinion on something and have them reply back with a video answer.  So not only do you get to state your view, you also get to see a myriad of different reactions.

4. Easily Shareable – with all the most important people in your life.  Tout lets you share video and synchronize it with any other social media accounts you have, which means if your relatives do not have Tout then they can always see on your Facebook or blog as well.  Tout also has the feature of re-touting so if you really like someone’s Tout Out you can even post it to your account so more people can see that way.

5. Great way to Promote yourself or others.  Because Tout gives you unlimited chances to record, it is a great promotional tool.  Many companies and organizations have already added Tout to their list of social media tools.  For example, Kelly Ripa of Regis and Kelly uses Tout to promote her morning show as well as the guests who come on it, showing viewers that you can use Tout as a powerful promotional tool for anyone willing to use it.