Experience the Advantages of a Pain-Free PAC

Support the issue-friendly candidates that “get” the challenges of growing your business without the stress of interpreting ELEC rules –violations come with big fines that take hard earned money away from your core goal.

ABS will save salary and benefit expenses, internal workspace and provide the compliance expertise critical to administering a PAC.

Managing a political action committee is a very special activity involving a myriad of administrative detail, record keeping and most importantly accurate and timely compliance with federal and state laws.  The average corporate PAC raises and spends in excess of $100,000 during a two year campaign cycle. Setting up a PAC through ABS solves two of the biggest stumbling blocks to PAC administration:  Compliance and Ease of Control.


  1. Avoids inadvertent compliance conflicts. Offers a clear separation of the PAC from the parent company of the group by using a separate address, phone, and employees administering the PAC. (i.e. making Deposits, reporting to ELEC, managing fundraising events,    preparing checks for distribution) Transparency issues are resolved.
  2. Meeting Reporting Deadlines


  1. ABS takes care of the time consuming day to day recordkeeping; working closely with your PAC’s designated Treasurer to make reporting easy and allowing your PAC to meet its objectives.
  2. All Reports prepared properly and submitted on time.
  3. Collection, documentation and depositing of PAC monies.

Contact ABS if you need any assistance with managing your organization’s PAC.
info@absnj.com (609) 392-3800.