Celebrant Foundation & Institute Media Advisory

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MONDAY, JUNE 16 – 10:30AM
NJ State House Annex, Committee Room 14 (4th Floor)
125 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08625

Press Contact: Libby Vinson (609) 577-1993, libby@absnj.com  

The Celebrant Foundation & Institute
Recognizes Legislative Sponsors of NJ Certified Civil Celebrant Law

Life-Cycle Celebrants® from the Celebrant Foundation & Institute to Gather at NJ State House to Publicly Thank Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula and Senator Loretta Weinberg for Paving the Way for Adoption of NJ’s Historic Civil Celebrant Law

The June 16 Press Conference/VIP Reception will kick off at 10:30am at the State House Annex in Committee Room 14 (4th Floor). Directions and parking for the State House at 125 West State Street in Trenton, NJ: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/legislativepub/directions.asp.

Life-Cycle Celebrants® and other dignitaries will assemble at the New Jersey State House on June 16 to recognize state leaders who pioneered the passage of legislation that made New Jersey the first state in the nation to allow Certified Civil Celebrants to legally solemnize marriages. The authorizing legislation—sponsored by Senator Loretta Weinberg and Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula—was signed into law by Governor Chris Christie on January 19, 2014. The law took effect May 1.

Attending honorees and guests include:

  • Assembly Deputy Speaker Upendra Chivukula, (D-17)
  • Charlotte Eulette, International Director of the Celebrant Foundation & Institute
  • Dorry Bless, Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant® and Director of Alumni Relations, Celebrant Foundation & Institute
  • Notable Life-Cycle Celebrants®
  • Members of the NJ Legislature

Life-Cycle Celebrants® are graduates of the Celebrant Foundation & Institute (CF&I), the nation’s preeminent, online educational institute headquartered in Montclair, NJ dedicated to teaching and certifying people as ceremony professionals. Through the CF&I’s seven-month program, Celebrant faculty teach students how to masterfully co-create and perform personalized ceremonies for weddings, funerals and other life events that reflect the needs, beliefs and values of the people they are honoring.

The new law is also a job-creator. With the number of couples seeking wedding ceremonies outside the confines of traditional religious institutions expected to continue to increase, so will the need for the professionals to serve them. This New Jersey Law opens the door for more people to enter this growing Civil Celebrant career path, which is as personally-fulfilling as it is financially rewarding. Local wedding vendors and venues will also benefit with more couples opting to spend their dollars in New Jersey now that they can engage Wedding Celebrants for their ceremony.

To attend this special press conference/VIP reception on June 16, please contact libby@absnj.com.


For more information on the Celebrant Foundation & Institute (CF&I), please visit our website at https://www.celebrantinstitute.org/.
Connect with us on: https://www.facebook.com/CelebrantInst