Appeal raises $92,000 for Rescue Mission

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Laurie Pellichero

Thanks to the generosity of Times readers, local companies, organizations and charitable foundations, The Times 2010 Holiday Appeal has raised a total of $92,247 in support of the Rescue Mission of Trenton.

“The Times is grateful for the overwhelming support of this Holiday Appeal,” said Brian Malone, publisher and editor of The Times. “It’s a reflection on the great work being done day in and day out by the dedicated folks at the Rescue Mission. And it’s also a reflection on the generosity of our readers who came through in very difficult economic times.”

“The community’s response to this year’s Times Holiday Appeal has exceeded our most optimistic expectations,” said Mary Gay Abbott-Young, CEO of Rescue Mission of Trenton. “We recognize that these continue to be very difficult times for many in our community, and for this reason, we especially appreciate the generosity shown to the Mission by individuals, area companies and area foundations,” she said.

“We would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation to Hutchinson Industries for its continued support of the Mission and its most generous $25,000 upfront challenge grant,” continued Abbott-Young. “We have no doubt that this jump-started the campaign and contributed to its overall success,” she said.

“On behalf of the Mission staff and clients, I want to especially thank the dozens of individuals who took the time to make wonderful comments about the programs and services offered by the Mission,” she said. “Their kind words meant a great deal to all of us.

“Last, but not least, we want to thank The Times and its compassionate publisher/editor, Brian Malone, for being a wonderful neighbor for so many years and for selecting the Mission as this year’s Holiday Appeal recipient. We wish Brian the best as he embarks on the next pages of his life. We will miss him. We also want to thank Laurie Pellichero, Times promotions manager, for the many stories she wrote and her help in shepherding the campaign.

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