ABS Launches Creative Leadership Seminar Series

The ABS Creative Leadership Seminar Series:
Forward Thinking for Success in 2013 & Beyond

In 2013, ABS is proud to be offering a new Creative Leadership Seminar Series aimed at helping leaders stay on top of their game by exploring cutting-edge and critical topics in organizational leadership. Each complimentary educational seminar will offer specific tips and tactics centered on how leaders can best position their organizations for growth in 2013 and beyond.

The ABS 2013 Seminar Series is for today’s leaders — CEOs and Executive Directors like you who are being pulled in many different directions, expected to do more with less, faced with growing competitive pressures, erratic government regulation, and an ever more distracted customer-base. As a leader, you need to be more creative and innovative than ever, constantly focusing on what’s new, what’s better and what’s next to stay ahead.

January 2013
Mobile Apps—What You Need to Know Before Jumping In
Presenters:  Kirk Saboda and Daniel Kralich from Tallen Technologies, www.tallen-inc.com

February 2013
Problem Solving: Avoiding the Causes of Collapse
Presenter:  Dr. Fred Abbate

May 2013
Sustainable Business Growth – What’s Holding Your Business Back
Presenter:  Hal Levenson, CPA