ABS Helps Clients Promote Their Interests at the Local Level

city-hallNow more than ever, government decisions are being made on the local level that are having a profound impact on the way New Jersey organizations do business.  The challenge is with 565 municipalities in the State and 12 different forms of local government, keeping an eye on what’s happening in New Jersey’s municipal governments is next to impossible.  This is where ABS comes in.

ABS knows how New Jersey’s cities and towns operate and how to reach decision-makers at the local level.  We have years of political and community involvement and a track record of success in helping our clients stay informed and ahead of issues on the municipal or county levels that could impact their bottom line.

Here’s a snapshot of how ABS can help you, your members and customers navigate New Jersey’s municipal governments and seek out business growth opportunities:

The Municipal Monitor™ Newsletter—ABS writes a quick and easy-to-read municipal update for you to share with your members or customers on the latest happenings in the communities they care about.  This customized, useful newsletter provides a heads up on proposed and recently adopted ordinances, updates on major development projects, election overviews and insight into the local political landscapes.

Municipal Advocacy—ABS’ seasoned team can provide your organization unified representation on local issues and ensure your voice is heard in the municipal decision-making process.  We monitor, review and analyze local ordinances; draft and present testimony at council meetings; communicate with municipal officials; coordinate efforts of Association Legislative Committees; attend political fund-raisers; and offer guidance on government affairs strategy.

Grassroots Relationship Building—ABS facilitates meetings with municipal and county leaders to ensure local officials understand your position on issues.  The purpose of these meetings is to strengthen your relationships with local decision-makers and position your organization as a resource.

Contact us at info@absnj.com or (609) 392-3800 to explore how ABS can help your organization in these areas.
